
Game Review: Spiderman Miles Morales

Spiderman Miles Morales is the latest Marvel superhero game. Releasing it on both PS5 and PS4 was a good business move on Playstation’s end. Especially, for those that weren’t able to get their hands on the PS5 this holiday season. Without further ado, let’s dive into this review.


The story takes place after the events of the first Spiderman game. This time taking place around Christmas time. While Peter Parker is away on vacation with Mary Jane, Miles is left alone to watch over the city until he returns. During this time, Miles is still getting adjusted to being the new Spiderman. During his time alone, he learns the responsibilities of being a superhero.

After finishing up the campaign, I did feel like it was much better than the first one. It’s most likely because I don’t know Miles that much compared to Peter, but that’s probably because he was the Spiderman I grew up with from the movies. Everyone knows Peter’s background because of the movies, and it feels like his story has been told many times already. With Miles though, for those that don’t know him, this games gives them an opportunity to get to know him. Aside from the Into the Spiderverse film of course. Although the story for this game is much better than the first one, my love for Peter Parker still can’t be beaten. Sorry Miles.


Now this is another area where the game outshines the first one. Miles outshines Peter because of his superpowers. Aside from shooting out web, Miles has invincibility and electricity. During stealth missions, his invincibility can come in handy and be a last resort when you don’t know how to get around thugs without being caught during stealth missions. It also helps during combat when you’re surrounded by a bunch of enemies because they can lose sight of you very easily and can give you an opportunity to retreat. As for his electric powers, while they do damage, they can also stun enemies. For example, for one of his moves, he jumps into the air and as he comes slamming the ground, he shocks all enemies surrounding him and sends them flying. Once they land, they remain stunned giving you an opportunity to attack and perform combos.

Just like in the first game, there are side missions as well. Completing these side missions gives you tokens that you can use to unlock new abilities and spider suits. As far as spider suits go, I enjoyed the ones in the first game more, but they were still awesome. Every time I unlocked one I always felt excited. My favorite suit was the 2020 suit.


As far as flaws go, my only issue with the game is that there are abilities that are locked to new game plus. I understand that they want us to play new game plus, but locking abilities to that isn’t a reason for me to replay the game. Maybe in the future when I decide to replay this game, I will, but for now, I won’t be touching it. My problem with new game plus in games is that it’s always just replaying the game. I personally never saw what makes it worth going back to replaying the game. With me, I’d rather just use that energy and move onto the next game waiting to be played in my library. If you enjoy playing new game plus in games, then that’s fine. I’m just explaining how I feel.


Spiderman Miles Morales is a worthy addition to your game library. If you can hold off until you get a PS5, I would recommend getting this game on that. I say this because you can play this game at 60 fps, and it makes a huge difference. The PS4 version is currently locked at 30 fps just like the first game was when it came out. If you’re unwilling to wait and just want to play the game already, then go ahead and pick up the PS4 version.

What are your guys’ thoughts on Spiderman: Miles Morales? Do you guys plan on picking up the game for PS5 or PS4?  Have you guys played it yet? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.

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